Here are some projects that I have posted on my GitHub. These were created using Pycharm, Spyder, VS Code, and RStudio. These were also written in C# Python, or R.
I coded the AdaBoost Ensembles using Python. AdaBoost, or Adaptive Boosting, was used for my ensembles as it adapts to the errors of the previous weak hypotheses. I imported the necessary libraries using the sklearn library. I used pandas to read the csv and replaced my selected Categories as numbers: White 1, Black 2, Latinx 3, Asian 4, American Indian 5, Middle Eastern 6, Hawaiian 7, unknown 8, and nans as 0 for the race description. I assigned other categories numbers since my code in Python was not reading strings properly. I made X as race description and Y as race known. Next, I created X and Y into arrays and looked up how to use iloc. For X, I selected all the rows and only the first column minus the other 5 columns as shown by 0:-5 in my X variable. Repeated this for the Y variable, selecting the second and the last 6th column. The Y variable is race known as it changes the whole argument if the cop knew the individual’s race before pulling them over. Using this method, I achieved an accuracy rate of 91.7%. https://github.com/24juangonzalez/ADABoost_Ensemble 0 forks. 0 stars. 0 open issues. Recent commits: